Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Company Information
Fiori Boutique is a sub-brand operating under the umbrella of Bertlie LLC, a registered company in [jurisdiction]. While Fiori Boutique is not a separately registered entity, all products, services, and transactions made through Fiori Boutique are managed and governed by Bertlie LLC. Any references to "we," "us," or "our" in these terms refer to Bertlie LLC and its sub-brand, Fiori Boutique.
We appreciate your trust in us.
Your privacy is our top priority. Rest assured that we will never share, sell, or trade your personal information, including phone numbers and SMS consent, with any third parties under any circumstances. Your data remains secure with us.
1. SCOPE AND MODIFICATION of the privacy policy
This Privacy Policy governs the collection, processing, and disclosure of Personal Data by Fiori Boutique in the context of the use of the Website by Users, and the processing of their Orders. It also details the procedures for exercising their rights by all persons concerned by the Personal Data. The User must read the entire Privacy Policy and accept it without reservation.
This acceptance will be more particularly expressed by the creation of the Account or the Order. Creating an Account or making an Order will be deemed to have the same value as a handwritten signature.
Fiori Boutique reserves the right to modify the Privacy Policy at any time by publishing a revised version on its Website. The amended version will be accepted after making the Order.
The Fiori Boutique Website may contain links to third party websites. These may have different privacy policies and Fiori Boutique will not be responsible for the content of third party websites.
The information contained on the Website is provided for information purposes only and is subject to change at any time without prior notice by Fiori Boutique.
Fiori Boutique declines all responsibility for the use that may be made by anyone of the information contained in this Website.
Fiori Boutique shall not be liable for any damage that may result from accessing or using the Website, including any deterioration or virus that may infect computer equipment or any other property.
2. How is Personal Data collected?
Fiori Boutique may collect personal data from the User in various ways, for example:
This Personal Data may be collected directly through a declaration by the User (such as the contact form) or automatically through the cookie systems deposited on the User's terminal.
3. WHAT PERSONAL DATA IS COLLECTED and for what purposes?
In accordance with the principle of minimisation, Fiori Boutique collects and processes Personal Data to fulfil its contractual obligations towards the User, and to comply with its legal obligations, in particular to combat fraud.
However, the User has the possibility to refuse to provide some of this Personal Data, it being understood that this may have an impact on the proper functioning of the Website. Fiori Boutique may collect and process the following Personal Data, if provided:
3. DISCLOSURE of personal data
Personal Data shall never be transferred to a third party.
Access to Personal Data is strictly limited. In this respect, the personal data collected by Fiori Boutique is communicated exclusively to the internal departments responsible for processing orders, executing contracts for the sale of Products, managing customer relations and Fiori Boutique's accounting.
However, Fiori Boutique may call upon the following categories of third parties, who may have access to Personal Data, which the User accepts:
These service providers have undertaken to Fiori Boutique to respect their legal and regulatory obligations with regard to personal data.
4. Personal Data SECURITY
Fiori Boutique commits to comply with the regulations that apply to the security of Personal Data and cannot exclude its responsibility in this respect. The Website is secured by an SSL certificate.
Fiori Boutique ensures that its employees and service providers responsible for processing Personal Data are subject to an appropriate obligation of confidentiality.
In the event of a breach of Personal Data, Fiori Boutique will inform the User as soon as possible.
Fiori Boutique shall store the Personal Data for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected, without exceeding the duration of the business relationship plus the statute of limitations, and after exhaustion of all means of redress.
In this case, Fiori Boutique will delete all the Personal Data, except those strictly necessary to maintain its commercial accounts and to comply with its legal obligations.
5. Opt-In and Opt-Out Options
Upon creating an account, you have the option to opt-in to receive the following communications:
You can opt-out of receiving marketing emails, newsletters, and other non-essential communications at any time. To do so: